Group News

June 2017

Summer students Alan and Stanna join the lab, welcome!

June 2017

Stephen’s paper on the catalyst controlled regiodivergent arylboration of dienes has been accepted to JACS, congrats!

May 2017

Kevin’s paper on the regioselective arylboration of isoprene and its derivatives has been accepted to JACS, congrats!

May 2017

Post-doctoral researcher Seewon from the Chang group at KAIST joins the group, Welcome!

February 2017

Post-doctoral researcher Johannes from the Bach group at Technical University of Munich joins the group, Welcome!!!!!

November 2016

Katie’s paper on the catalytic enantioselective arylboration of alkenylarenes was accepted to Angew, congrats!!!!!!!

November 2016

Professor Brown’s (Laura and Kevin) paper on the Wonderlab Exhibit was just accepted to the Journal of Chemical Education, congrats!!!!!!!

November 2016

Chris and Eleni’s paper on Lewis acid promoted ketene-alkene cycloadditions was just accepted to Organic Syntheses, congrats!!!!!!!

October 2016

Professor Brown was awarded the 2016 Novartis Early Career Award, congrats!!!!!!

September 2016

Chen, Allison, and Stephen pass their 5th semester candidacy exam, congrats!!!!!!