Group News

September 2014

Chris’ paper on the total synthesis of gracilioether F has been accepted to ANGEW, Congrats!!!

September 2014

Wei’s paper on copper catalyzed diarylation of alkenes has been accepted to JACS, Congrats!!!!!

September 2014

Chris’ paper (in collaboration with the Tantillo group) has been accepted to Org. Lett., Congrats!!!

July 2014

The “Smells like Nano” Exhibit is currently live at Wonderlab!!!

July 2014

Kevin, Katie, and Wei’s paper has been accepted to Chem. Eur. J., Congrats!!!!

July 2014

Emily has accepted a position at Aptuit SSCI, Good Luck!

June 2014

The Brown group has been awarded an ACS PRF grant.

June 2014

Prof Brown receives a Trustees Teaching Award, Congrats!!!!!

June 2014

Welcome summer student Stephen!!!!!

June 2014

Welcome summer student Allison!!!!!