Brown Lab
Indiana University
4th Year
  IIT Bombay
  Midnapore College

I am Souvik. I am from Tamluk, west Bengal in INDIA. I did my bachelors with Chemistry as the major from Midnapore College (Autonomous). I have completed my MS from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. During my masters, I did research on transition metal catalyzed C-H activation reactions under the supervision of Dr. Chandra M.R. Volla. I really enjoy my free time playing Cricket and watching football matches, particularly I am very much passionate about indian football. And I also like to gossip with friends in common tea stalls. I love to eat. My favorite Indian dish is “Chicken Biryani”.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building the new.”- Socrates

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